Thursday, March 27, 2014

First Look ... we cheated a little!

. . . The First Look . . .

. . . it started as a trend and has become something so much more! When asked by my fabulous brides and grooms what is better . . . I simply ask what they want. Some couples choose to see one another before the ceremony and some do not, while others just have a timeline that won't accommodate photos after the ceremony. There are many reasons to do or not to do a first look. But here is what I personally love about them.
A moment between the bride and groom exclusively . . . yes I am there to document it (hiding in bushes and climbing trees lol), but it is such a private and intimate moment shared just between them. Whether your groom is blindfolded or not . . . the emotion still rings true. Theres always tears and or laughter . . .  some stumbling on words and a sweet embrace. With no one watching they are free to have their moment together.
Don't get me wrong the moment coming down the aisle is very powerful as well . . . romantic and shared with everyone.  Great candids of parents and guests are captured as the bride graces us all with her presence. A room of guests sitting on the edge of their seat in anticipation.

I would never sway anyone one way or another . . . every part of a wedding is unique and special!

Here is a fav moment  from 2013 . . . this was a 'not' so first look . . . still cute, fun and we had a great time with it!

Talk to each other and decide what you would want for your day . . . while there are many decisions to be made . . . this one should be one of the most exciting ones!

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Storm is Brewing . . .

So here we are the calm before the storm . . . or better known as pre-wedding season. Yes most still have weddings here and there all winter and some have weddings year round . . . for the record I'd love to have them year round! But MOST of us are in limbo . . . gearing up . . . revamping sites . . . don't get me wrong we are busy . . . but like all creatives, well me personally I prefer to be on the outside . . . out shooting!
Now is the time we are bombarded with blogs . . . information overload with workshops and marketing strategies . . . new techniques, and of course the big conferences such as WPPI among many others.
Not sure about everyone else but this time every year my mind is spinning . . . and if you live in Canada  . . . THIS WINTER SUCKS!!!
Our email is in overrun with enquiries and bookings to come . . . fellow photographers email blasting tips and techniques and selling their latest workshops. Album companies have sent out their latest and greatest and of course Vistek is having a SALE.
To say 60% of my email is irrelevant at the moment is in fact an understatement. I'd love to take all your workshops and completely absorb you all in BUT . . . I'm not rich so I settle for 1.
Alas it comes and goes like this year after year . . . and we are all still here!

Now to touch on a couple things that I have learned . . .

I have learned that this industry is only as great as we make it . . . YES I've heard the negative and I've been a part of the problem at one time or another by not doing my part to educate and jumping on the negative bandwagon. But again it's only as great as WE make it. There is stealing and incessant banter about who did what, when and how.
 Truth is if your doing nothing about the problem you are indeed doing something.
 So where does this never ending dribble bring me... lol well it brings me to this ...


. . . your clients, friends, acquaintances, family, neighbours really anyone that will listen. AND maybe possibly ONE day we can get the wedding magazines on board . . . that would be entirely HELPFUL  (notice how I didn't say amazing or fabulous.. just plain helpful).
Imagine brides being able to read about the benefits of good photography rather then how to spot a fake or questionnaires including "what will your photographer wear?" (yes I see how my attire can totally put a stint in the day).
I get it . . .  they are trying to help brides weed out fake photographers . . . and yea I agree that is important. But equally important is to educate them on quality imagery and the age old "you get what you pay for".
p.s wedding mags . . . if you tell a bride to haggle over the price you are already setting the bride up for failure if she really loves a particular photographer, because most of us wont budge.  Everyone needs to be paid for their work . . . I don't walk into the Keg and say ok so the steak is $30 how about I give you $20 for it and we call it a day?!
That is all!


. . . yup my biggest downfall and something I am ok to admit I am HORRIBLE at! I live in a bubble. Completely outgoing with clients and those I'm comfortable around and then I crawl back into my shell (my nice, warm, fuzzy, draped in chiffon shell).
This will get me nowhere! So this is the year to change that and I encourage everyone who is similar to myself to get out there. I've been assured it's not so scary! Plan of attack . . . it's simple reach out to people, vendors, fellow photographers etc etc.
Create a relationship with a Hello!

PLEASE . . .
                     do not misunderstand this blog post . . . I may have been in the industry for 6yrs now . . . but I am no expert on the industry. Just sharing what I've learned and hope it will at the very least put a little calm in a nervous mind even if it is just my own.

Thank you!
Have a lovely day xo