Tuesday, May 15, 2012

At Ease . . .

Meet...... soon to be Mr. & Mrs. ............... I had the opportunity to meet up with Caitlin and Sean this past weekend for their engagement session! We went out to Campbellville to enjoy the scenery.... and watch Eva have a swim... too cute!
I love downtown Campbellville for all it offers...... from great dining, little cafe's, small shops ..... there is just so much character here!
I am so very excited to be a part of your wedding...... and had a great time with you both this weekend!!!
The best compliment I can receive is "you made this very comfortable"....... honestly that and great photos are what I aim for..... you can't do this job well unless the people you are shooting are at ease..... at least that's my opinion!........... thanks you two!

sneak peek...........

Monday, May 7, 2012

Celebrating Generations!!!!

This past weekend I had  the pleasure to shoot this great family........ I can't believe how much these little munchkins have grown in a year! This was an extra special session as it was for "Nanny's" birthday........ it was so wonderful to meet you Helen and your family.... wishing you many more years- Happy Birthday!!!!
Here is just a few teasers from our Lowville Park session!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Birthday- to my Girl

It's just another day to most..........

but for me today is special....... 9 yrs ago I met this tiny little girl..... she had 10 toes .. 10 fingers... and a wee little nose!  Today-  today you are so much more....... today you are bright, sweet, generous and so very beautiful. You never miss a hug or a moment to express your love for someone...... today you colour the world with your kindness...... and you laugh always in complete delight!

Today I am lucky to be your mom.......  you inspire me to see all the positive things in life...... you show me that every embrace counts and that smiling every moment of the day is still not quite enough.

On this day and every day..... I want everyone to know.... that you color every spare moment you have..... you love to cuddle...... your protective of your family..... you see through everyones flaws...... you shoot pucks in the driveway with your brother..... you listen to your sisters poem 50 times just because she wanted to practice...... you ask your dad about work everyday to show your interest in him ...... and you thank me every time I brush your hair........ it's all these little things and so much more that you do..... you are the most selfless person old and young I have ever had the pleasure of knowing...... and to the world I am so grateful for you!

Happy Birthday to my sweet Angel...... love you more xoxo